A loan helped to buy new fruit tree seeds to increase her assortment at the bazaar .

Hicran's story

Hicran is 38 years old and married with two kids. The family is IDP and lives in an IDP settlement. Her husband is a worker. She is a gardener and has been raising fruit trees (figs and quince) and selling the fruit at a local bazaar for 12 years. Her monthly income is 190 AZN.

Azerbaijan people know that figs and quince are very useful for health. They like to eat these fruits fresh and use them to prepare quince or fig jam or pie. People drink quince with hot milk when they catch a cold and recover after drinking this.

Hicran’s fruit assortment for selling isn’t wide enough and that’s why her income doesn’t increase. She applied for a 1,500 AZN loan in order to buy new fruit tree seeds and make her assortment at the bazaar wider. She hopes that one day she will be able to recover her previous happy life.

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