A loan helped to purchase two bull-calves for fattening up subsequent resale.

Aizada's story

Aizada is 52 years old, married, and the mother of six children. Aizada has secondary education. She has worked with agriculture for many years already. Currently Aizada has four cows and 17 sheep on her farm, and also her own plot of land of 1.67 hectares, where she works with field crop cultivation, growing potatoes, tomatoes and clover. Her ecological and tasty products are in high demand, and bring a monthly income of 25,000 som (KGS).

With an aim to further develop her business, Aizada turned to the bank "Bai Tushum" for a loan in the amount of 70,000 som (KGS) to purchase two bull-calves. Aizada plans to use the income from the loan to develop her agricultural business.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

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