A loan helped a member to order more rice to store and resell.

Hing's Group's story

This is a group loan. The group is comprised of three people. The borrowers live in Knasondaiy Commune in Siem Reap Province.

Mrs. Hing E., 30, runs a store in her home selling rice. Her profits are the main source of income for her family. She has been in this business for a year. She also takes care of four children, all of whom are single and live at home. Her husband, Mr. Pot Chanty, 37, is in the Cambodian military and receives a salary of $50 per month. To expand the business, Hing is applying for a $400 loan to order more rice to store and sell.

Mrs. Chin P., 29, a widow, is a local grocery seller. She needs a $400 loan to buy mores groceries to sell.

Mrs. Chen P., 33, makes a living selling fish at the local market. Chen is requesting a loan of $200 to buy a motorcycle to make transportation easier.

Mrs. E., Mrs. P.'s husband, and Mrs. P. are pictured.

In this group: Hing, Chin, Chen

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details