A loan helped to purchase royco, sugar, salt, and bath and washing soap to increase her supplies.

Silibaziso's story

Silibaziso is a single lady, aged 20. She resides in Hurungwe District Zimbabwe. She is a CAMA member and has been working as a Camfed Learner Guide, teaching a life skills course in local schools to improve the well-being of students by enhancing their learning environment. In addition, Silibaziso rents a shop at the local market where she sells products such as royco, sugar, salt, and bath and washing soap. She has been running this business for one year now and it has enabled her to support her family.

With the Kiva loan, Silibaziso will purchase royco, sugar, salt, bath and wash soap to increase her supplies. Her hope is to grow the business and open her own store. This will bring stability to her business and will enable her to provide for her family’s basic needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details