A loan helped a member to purchase a bag of sugar at 22,000 francs CFA, 2 bags of onions at 8,500 francs, a basket of smoked fish at 9,000 francs, some green tea, and various bouillon cubes at 10,000 francs.

Fatou's Group's story

Created on July 17, 2006, this ’banc villageois’ has just started its 16th cycle in the program despite the difficulties in selling their merchandise, since the area is isolated. The women are mastering aspects of borrowing and saving at CAURIE-MF. They all live in the same village, and the group has good internal relations. Their main work involves small-scale commerce.

Ms. Fatou (sitting at the right and appearing in the cameo near the bottom right in the photo) is the group’s representative. She is 52 years old and a married mother of five children, of whom two are girls. Her business involves buying from wholesalers grocery items (onions, bouillon cubes, sugar, green tea, smoked fish, …) and reselling the goods retail in her village.

With this loan, she intends to purchase a bag of sugar, sacks of onions, a basket of smoked fish, some green tea, and various bouillon cubes for sale at the retail level. The profits will be used to help out her husband in managing the family day to day and in covering the children’s schooling costs.

In this group: Fatou, Mariama, Baye, Amy, Coumba, Soukho, Aisatou, Fatou, Khombouna, Fatoumata, Mama, Gnouma, Dienaba, Assa Mouha, Assa Fatou, Balama, Mariama, Dienabou, Penda, Seydi, Mamou, Amy, Fatoumata, Coumba, Mariam, Gniouma, Fatoumata, Diandioume, Amy, Issiaka, Bouye, Maimouna, Hatou, Cisse, Ramatoulaye, Aminata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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