A loan helped to purchase wholesale merchandise, such as clothing and cosmetics, so she can meet the increasing demand during the season of Love and Friendship.

Genoveva's story

Genoveva, at her 60 years of age, is a charismatic, active and helpful woman.

Being the mother of three children was her main motivation to work tirelessly, day after day. She always looked for alternate ways to earn a living and support her children.

Approximately eight years ago, Genoveva started selling merchandise, such as clothing and cosmetics, to all kinds of customers. Her products are high quality and she sells them at excellent prices, which has allowed her to become well-known in her area and follow a good career path.

She was motivated to request a loan in order to strengthen her inventory. She will purchase wholesale merchandise, like clothing and cosmetics, which will allow her to meet the increasing demand during the season of Love and Friendship. Genoveva has the advantage of living in a well-populated neighborhood, which helps her to improve the income she receives for her labor.

Genoveva states that her age doesn't stop her from continuing to do what she loves. That is why she is always giving herself new goals, one of which is to become a large merchandise distributor and provide employment opportunities. That way, Genoveva will be able to improve her quality of life and the well-being of her family as well as the well-being of those who help her with her daily labors.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

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