A loan helped to buy a refrigerator to preserve his cakes, as well as to renovate his store.

Mamatqurbon's story

This is Mamatqurbon. He is an experienced entrepreneur from the Qubadiyon District. He is 58 years old. He is married and has two sons. Mamatqurbon has a family retail business. He has two grocery shops in the central market of his District. He works in one of the stores, and his wife and daughter-in-law work in the other. They have been running these businesses for 9 years. Mamatqurbon's family also practice poultry farming. They raise partridges in the yard outside their house.

In order to expand his business, Mamatqurbon wants to renovate one of his stores and buy a refrigerator for preserving cakes. For this goal, he needs 4000 USD, which is why he is requesting a loan. Mamatqurbon relies on your financial support. This loan is very critical to the development of his small business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Hilary Hemmings.

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