A loan helped a member to buy about 20 bags of passionfruit.

Mariama's Group's story

Created on November 28, 2003, this "banc villageois" consists of women who are very active in the development of income generating businesses.They all live in the same village and hold the same values of solidarity that developed over time as they grew their businesses. They run small businesses as well as farm during the rainy season. Ms. Mariama (the woman featured in the circle at the bottom left) is the representative borrower of this group. She is 65 years old, married, and mother of six children, including two boys. She is one of the most dynamic women despite her advanced age. She sells fruit in season: mangoes, passionfruit, etc. She sends merchandise to her daughter for resale in the capital. Her new loan will enable her to buy about 20 bags of passionfruit for 5,000 FCFA per bag to send to her daughter in the capital. With the profits, she expects to support her retired husband by taking care of the family expenses.

In this group: Mariama, Maimouna, Angele, Banna, Sibo, Mame Lissa, Ami, Sounkar, Mabintou, Banna, Dienaba, Saboudou, Dienabou, Saly, Saly, Germaine, Dianke

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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