A loan helped a member to make bricks and to buy sugar, rice and beans to resell.

Hakika Group's story

Mwanaisha, who is in her early 30s, is married with two children. One is still at school and the other one is still small. She has been selling rice, cooking oil, maize flour, backing flour, sugar, and beans for seven years now. She works from 7am to 4pm daily and is able to make a very small monthly profit.

This will be Mwanaisha's seventh loan from Tujijenge Tanzania. She used the previous loans to start making and selling bricks, sold sugar, beans, cooking oil and wheat flour and has paid back all her loans successfully. She is happy with the loan. She used the profit to buy a plot of land, bought a TV set and a cupboard. She will use this loan to make bricks and to buy sugar, rice and beans to resell. She dreams of becoming an international business woman.

Mwanaisha will share this loan with her loan group "Hakika" which has twelve members who will hold each other accountable for paying back the loan.

In this group: Mwanaisha, Annamary, Fatuma, Fatuma, Mayasa, Pili, Salome, Johari, Leah, Moshi, Samilu, Sarafina

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details