A loan helped a member to buy solar home lighting systems.

Mongtung Group's story

Mongtung is a group formed by women with similar interests to get loans so that they can buy solar home lighting for improving their personal and business purposes. Due to insufficient power supply in the area, the group members wanted the mini solar home lighting so that they can stay in better home environments everyday and perform their duties without any difficulty.

Lamngaikim (31) is a featured member of the group with her hand raised. She runs a petty shop while her husband is an auto-rickshaw driver. They generate their income from their humble occupation and sustain their family including their two school-going children. Families in the area are affected by the lack of power supply and cannot perform their duties accordingly after sunset.

In order to run her petty shop for longer hours after sunset, she took the loan for mini solar home lighting so that she could run the shop with comfort and generate more income. This will help her to improve the family's financial condition, even though she extends her working hour in the shop for a fraction of hours. While she runs her shop in the evening, the children will study their lessons under the solar lighting with comfort and concentration. This will improve their academic performance and benefit them in their career.

She said that the solar lighting is very beneficial to their family and improves her business. She is happy and thankful to WSDS for lending the loan to avail the solar lighting system.

In this group: Pilhing, Kimngailhing, Hatnu, Lamngaikim, Nengneichong, Nengvah, Phalneikim

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details