A loan helped to pay off the loan that she has pending at the institution. The other part she will invest in agricultural inputs for her crops. Also she wants to help her husband with the purchase of a motorcycle so that he can transport to work as now he travels by bus.

Gilma Marisela's story

Gilma is 31 years old. She is studying high school on Saturdays. She is married and her husband works as a security agent in a private business. They have 2 children from the marriage that are 7 and 10 years old. They study in school and her in-laws live with her, but only her children depend on her.

Gilma is only in domestic work for a living and she keeps watch over basic grain crops that her husband grows, so that he can come home every other day and not leave her more work. Before Gilma worked selling bread with her mother for a living.

She needs funds to pay off a loan she has pending at an institution. Another part she will invest in buying agricultural inputs for her crops. Also she wants to help her husband to buy a motorcycle so that he can transport to work, as now he travels via bus.

Gilma's dream is that her children study a university career and she wants to continue studying and be able to find a decent job that will allow her to have a better quality of life. Her other dreams are to construct her own housing so that her children have more privacy and comfort.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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