A loan helped to pay her daughter’s tuition fees.

Ha's story

Ha comes from Yen Phong district, an area of Bac Ninh Province. She is the pregnant woman who is sitting next to her daughter in this photo. Ha has two daughters. She is a teacher and her husband is a farmer. Her family's monthly income is VND 5,000,000.

Owing to her financial shortage, Ha is requesting a loan of VND 15,300,000 to pay for her daughter’s tuition fees. Her daughter’s name is Trinh and she is sitting next to her mother in this photo. Trinh was born in 2002 and is studying at secondary school. Without this loan, Trinh might be late to pay her tuition fees which would affect her study. She loves to provide good medicine for her family as well as lots of people; thus, she desires to become a doctor. She usually helps her parents do the housework when she has free time.

Trinh and her mother would like to say thanks to every donor around the world. This loan would help Trinh have better conditions for study and fulfil her future dream.

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