A loan helped to buy small animals to fatten them up and offer them at a better price.

Francisca Del Rocio's story

Francisca del Rocío is 29 years old. She is single and lives with her mother in the district of Cayaltí, a community dedicated to agriculture, commerce and ranching. It is located in the province of Chiclayo, which belongs to the Lambayeque region on the northern coast of Peru.

She works raising and selling pigs. In the morning she rents a motorcycle taxi, allowing her to offer a school transportation service to children who go to the school in her district.

She has asked for a loan from Edpyme Alternativa of 1,000 nuevos soles to buy small animals to fatten them up and offer them at a better price, generating better income for her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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