A loan helped to purchase maize inputs to increase the production capacity at his maize flour company.

Joseph's story

Joseph is a passionate businessman. In 2011, Joseph founded the Bugarama Maize Flour Company with the goal of providing high quality flour products to Southwestern Rwanda, Burundi, and Eastern Congo.

In 2012, dips in market prices and poor internal management hurt Burgarama Maize Flour Company. When Joseph joined AEC, his company was in trouble. Over the past eight months, Joseph has worked hard to get his company back on track. With the help of AEC, he has hired new employees and better technical experts, reduced his excess costs, and found efficiencies in his supply chain.

At the present time, Bugarama Maize Flour Company is operating at 50% capacity because he doesn’t have enough capital to purchase the necessary quantity of maize inputs. Now that Joseph’s business is running smoothly, he has requested a loan to purchase these inputs and increase his production. With a loan from Kiva, Joseph will be able to expand his activities, strengthen the capacity of his factory, and create new jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details