A loan helped to buy three ovens to increase her revenue and to offer three jobs to women heads of household.

Luz Emilse's story

Luz is a determined, unstoppable, and charming woman. Despite the difficulties she has faced, including those involving finances, family, and work, she started a snack business that she operates from her home where she makes her products. She buys the recipes and makes them the same day.

She has various challenges, primarily with her distributors due to her neighborhood's crisis with dairy products, which is a primary ingredient of her products. However, she overcomes these challenges and is able to run her snack business. She has five employees, primarily women heads of household. Her business is growing and she wants to continue her trend of employing mothers who have been marginalized by the government.

For this reason, she is requesting a loan to buy three ovens. With this purchase, she will be able to employ three more people so that both they and her business can grow stronger and more stable, and so that she can compete with other food providers in her city. It is her dream to reach all the women heads of household in every corner of the city with her snacks.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Polenske.

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