A loan helped a member to buy salt to sell.

Hanh's Group's story

Hanh is 50 years old and lives with her children, one son and one daughter, and her husband. Her husband is a driver for hire. For the past 16 years Hanh has been running a business selling salt to earn an income to support her family. She is the group leader of a four-member loan group from Ho Chi Minh City. In the picture she is the first from the left. Each of the other group members is requesting loans to fund income-generating activities. Hanh is requesting a loan to increase her working capital to purchase a larger quantity of salt to sell to her customers. She hopes this will enable her to better meet the needs of her customers and attract additional ones. She also hopes that through her loan she will be able to increase her income and save money for any future difficulties facing her family.

In this group: Hanh, Hanh, Tuyet, Vi

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details