A loan helped to buy paper supplies for her stationery shop and also to set up a shoe-selling business in the area.

Doris Esmeralda's story

Doris, 29, graduated from university with a degree in public accounting. She is a single mother with a daughter who is 8 years old. She lives alone with her daughter in her house.

Doris has a stationery shop in front of a school, which she has had for four years. This business provides her with an income for her family. She also works as an accountant in an organization that helps young people in different areas in the community. She works in the office from 8 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. When she is in this job, a cousin helps her out with her shop and one of her sisters looks after her daughter.

The loan she is asking CREDICAMPO for is to buy stationery supplies she needs in her shop and in addition, she would also like to set up a shoe-selling business in the area. She has her shop in a place where there are a lot of visitors and she would set up this new venture with the income she receives from her other jobs. She would be able to give her cousin and other people a permanent job.

Doris dreams of setting up this shoe shop and also a type of cyber-café, as she thinks that in front of the school it would be very successful. With a lot of hard work she will be able to earn enough to provide for her daughter so she can have an education like the one she was given as a child.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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