A loan helped to buy cattle.

Kausalya's story

Kausalya lives in Chittolodiya, Deogharh district, Jharkhand, India. She is married and a mother of four kids: two sons and two daughters. All her kids are studying in the school. Her husband has a small dairy. He has four buffaloes, one cow and seven calves. He sells 40 litres of milk on a day-to-day basis in the Deoghar town where there is a good demand for milk. The town has emerged as a dairy hub.

Kausalya is a very hard working woman. Her husband is an enterprising man who has been doing the dairy business for the last 18 years. Kausalya has taken loans from MESP earlier. She wants a loan to purchase more buffaloes. She is expecting a boost in her earnings and dreams of expanding her farm in the future.

She will use the profits from her expanded dairy farm to give her children good education so they become good human beings and improve the economic and living standards of her family.

Loan details

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