A loan helped a member to buy cut pieces, needle, stones, stock of threads, fancy cloths, sequins and pearls of various colors.

Shaista's Group's story

Shaista is a 37-year-old married woman, living in the area of Lahore, Pakistan. She is the mother of one daughter and one son. She has knitted handmade embroidery at her home for the past eight years. Her husband drives an auto rickshaw that has irregularities. He is an irresponsible husband and does not care about his children. She has proven herself to be a responsible and brave mother. During the last eight years, she has attained a regular list of customers and makes enough to contribute to the family income.

To cope with the increasing demand of her customers, Shaista requested a loan from Kiva’s field partner, BRAC Pakistan, to purchase cut pieces, needle, stone, stock of threads, fancy cloths, sequins and pearls of various colors.

She does not want loose heart and wants to afford all her household expenses with courage. She hopes that this loan will prove beneficial for her and for her family.
She is very thankful to BRAC Pakistan and Kiva.

In this group: Shaista, Shazia, Parveen

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details