A loan helped a member to buy more chirimoya (aka custard apple - a sweet fruit native to the Andes, similar in appearance to an avocado).

Si, Si, Si Group's story

The group "Si, Si, Si" (Yes, Yes, Yes) is made up of members who work in retail businesses and also in agriculture. Rosa is 33 years old, is married and has two school-age children. She sells chirimoya fruit (also called custard apple - a sweet fruit native to the Andes and similar in external appearance to an avocado) at retail. She also buys tuna directly from the fish farms to then sell at wholesale in the markets. She will use the loan to buy more chirimoyas.

The group is grateful to Kiva investors for the loan they are offering. Rosa is the one standing, dressed in a white T-shirt.

In this group: Grace, Rosa Luz, Elida Elena, Cleyde Marisa, Mauricio, Miriam, Jackeline Rosa

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis.

Loan details

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Loan details