A loan helped a member to buy more foodstuffs to sell.

Twizerane Cb Group's story

"Twizerane" group means "Trust each other" group in English. Chantal is a group leader and has been in the business for the past five years. The group is composed of different group members who all sell different items, but they have a good vision of transforming themselves at the end of the day.

Chantal plans to buy more foodstuffs for resale. She plans to use the profits for buying more food for the family. In the photo the group leader named Chantal holds a paper as sign of identification from other group members.

In this group: Chantal, Agnes, Evelyne, Mutumyinka, Leocadie, Jeanne, Clementine, Providence, Diane, Juliene, Prisca, Florence, Devothe, Francoise, Tumukunde, Alexis, Josiane, Drocella, Floride, Solange, Marie Chantal, Leonille, Jacques, Clementine, Aulea

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