A loan helped to purchase wheat seeds, fertilizers, and steers and to pay for harvesting services.

Marsel's story

Marsel is a young farmer from Dalarik village in the Armavir region. He lives with his parents. To take care of his family, Marsel is extensively engaged in cattle breeding, aviculture, and the cultivation of wheat, alfalfa, peaches and apricots. With the help of his family members, he realizes the agricultural products in the local market, which is the main source of the family's income. Marsel works really hard to be able to meet the ends (make ends meet). He is the main breadwinner of the family. To continue running his agribusiness in a sustainable way, Marsel needs to make some investments. A loan of USD 3,000 will be a great support to this young, hard-working man and his family, enabling him to purchase wheat seeds, fertilizers, and three steers, and to pay for harvesting services. Marsel and his parents rely on the good will of the lenders and will greatly appreciate their support in collecting the needed amount of the loan to sustain their agribusiness.

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