A loan helped to purchase a commercial fridge, baking supplies and equipment and market her business.

Jenny's story

As a child, Jenny participated in food and nutrition competitions where she had to learn about vegetables – memorize them by size, smell, texture, and density – and put together menus with the food pyramid to make well-balanced meals.

In her hometown of San Antonio, Texas, the now 34-year-old Jenny creates and sells decorated cookies, cakes, other baked goods and baskets out of her bakery where nothing is pre-ordered and everything is made-to-order. Her first job was in a cake shop. But later, thinking she would be more “practical”, she went to college and ended up at a desk job where she remained for several years. She didn’t like it! And she never stopped thinking about her love of cooking and baking. So she finally decided to make a career out of her passion.

Since the start of her business in 2013, Jenny has offered specialty cakes and fresh-baked goods out of her in-home business, "Jenny Jane’s Bakery". As the sole employee, Jenny noticed a need to increase her customer base by moving the business out of her home and into a facility. Before her loan, Jenny restricted her business to only people she knew to ensure her safety. She now leases a large building on a major street in San Antonio and is expecting her business to grow. The building also allows for a potential restaurant or party venue.

Before completing the transition, Jenny searched online for small business lenders and learned about Accion Texas Inc. The nonprofit microlender helped her meet the demand of customers by giving her the ability to purchase a commercial fridge, baking supplies and equipment and allowed her to market her business. Jenny predicts the loan will not only increase the amount of business but also permit her to create jobs in her community. As the bakery grows, she plans to hire at least one part-time employee.
Currently, Jenny is completing her website which will have consultation sheets, operation times, information on some of the different menu items, flavors, prices, samples, FAQs, and more. Look for it by mid-December 2013 at www.jennyjanesbakery.com

Loan details

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Loan details