A loan helped offer a greater variety of clothes for sale.

Ibolya's story

Ibolya sells secondhand clothes for a living. With the help of her last loan, she was able to increase her income by an additional 2,000 hryvnia. She is a model borrower; she takes large loans with a short payback term and always pays them off on time. As far as her business practices go, she typically stocks up on a lot of clothes, and, if she has any which aren't selling too well, takes them over to a local Gypsy settlement and gives them out for free.

This time around, she is seeking a loan of 30,000 hryvnia to stock up on clothes, undergarments, jackets and carpets. By having a greater variety of such goods for sale, she will be able to make more money; with this money, she hopes to finish the ongoing renovation of her home.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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