A loan helped to buy wholesale merchandise (soft drinks, juices, iced tea).

Gustavo Antonio's story

At 52 years old, Gustavo is the father of a 15-year-old son, and he lives with his common-law partner. During his working life he worked at a soft drink production company, but in 2002 he decided to become independent and open a soft drink distributorship, taking advantage of all the experience and knowledge that he had acquired in his previous employment. He has the support of one worker and he is open every day. This business idea arose from the need for better economic resources to cover his family's basic expenses. Currently, he is asking for a loan as support to buy wholesale merchandise (soft drinks, juices, iced tea), which will allow him to reduce his product costs and thus increase his profit margin on each sale, improving his family's income. With that income, he will be able to continue moving forward in order to realize the dream that his family will have better living conditions and that his son will have the opportunity to go to college and be a respectable man with good principles instilled in his home.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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