A loan helped to purchase a 20-cubic-meter Sistema Biobolsa biodigester.

Sergio's story

Sergio is a dairy producer who adds value to his product by processing it into artisanal cheese and yoghurt.

However, the heating process required is energy-intensive, and Sergio finds himself spending increasing amounts on liquefied petroleum gas, an increasingly expensive and polluting fossil fuel.

Sergio is asking for a loan of US$1,725 to help him buy a 20-cubic-meter Sistema Biobolsa biodigester. He will use it to treat the abundant cow manure on his farm into potent biofertilizer and methane-rich, renewable biogas, allowing him to save money and the environment. This loan represents 47% of the total cost of his Sistema Biobolsa biodigester.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details