A loan helped to purchase cows.

Gulsara's story

Gulsara is 50 years old, married and raising three children together with her husband. Gulsara has higher pedagogical education, and works at the village school as a Russian language teacher. Her husband is also a teacher.

As an additional income for her family, Gulsara works with livestock breeding and field crop cultivation, after having started 30 years ago with the purchase of livestock for 2,000 som (KGS). Thanks to Gulsara's persistent work, her farm currently has one dairy cow, four bulls and also a plot of land of 2.20 hectares. Here she grows peppers, beans and clover every year. The monthly income is 12,000 som (KGS).

With an aim to further develop her business, Gulsara turned to the microfinance bank "Bai Tushum & Partners" for a loan in the amount of 100,000 som (KGS) to increase the number of livestock through purchasing two heads of cattle. Gulsara plans to invest the income from the loan in further increasing the number of livestock, and to save money for building a house.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

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