A loan helped to buy flour, sugar, margarine, yeast, eggs, raisins and baking powder for preparing baked goods.

Inom's story

Inom works as a baker and sells baked goods. He is 32 years old. He is a married man, has two sons and two daughters, and lives with his family in the town of Qurgan-Tube in the Khatlon region. The children are in school and his wife helps him in the activities.

On the second floor of the dining hall, Inom has his own workshop for producing biscuits. In the shop, he himself works, as well as his wife and four other workers, to whom he pays a wage. Inom has been involved in this business for seven years. He receives a good profit from the business.

Now, he is requesting a loan of US $2,000 to buy flour, sugar, margarine, yeast, eggs, raisins, and baking powder to prepare baked goods.

He constantly has many orders and he is working hard to develop his business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer JD Bergeron.

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