A loan helped to buy agricultural inputs.

Iván Darío's story

Iván, 18, is single and doesn't have children yet. After finishing secondary school he worked in the fields, which he learned from his father and his older brother. Currently he has an avocado crop with approximately 70 avocado plants. His father gave him a small plot of land to farm and earn his own resources.

Iván's an enterprising and thriving young man who wants to get ahead, so he's requesting the support of a loan to invest in buying agricultural inputs (soil amendments, fungicide, pesticide, fertilizer, and bean seed). This will allow him to continue with his business and harvest a quality crop to sell for a better price. He'll also be able to plant a crop of beans on a small plot of land so he has another crop to sell, increasing his income as a result.

Iván dreams of continuing to make progress so he'll have a more productive crop. This will give him the economic stability to help support his parents and to have the possibility of improving everyone's quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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