A loan helped to buy seeds, insecticide, herbicide, fertilizer, manure, etc.

Rogelio's story

Rogelio, 62, lives with his life partner and their two children in his own house. He makes a living growing corn and beans. He has been working in agriculture for 20 years, which has given him plenty of experience to help him obtain the best harvests. He sells his harvested crops around his community. He has a large clientele who prefer his products for their quality, for the good prices he offers, and above all for his good service.

Rogelio is applying for a loan to buy seeds, insecticide, herbicide, fertilizer, manure, etc. Rogelio has good credit references from his acquaintances. He is very responsible and he is sure that he will be able to pay off this debt within the established time frame. At the same time, he trusts that he will be able to bring financial security to his household.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Volz.

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