A loan helped a member to pay school fees for his children.

Issa's Group's story

Pictured here are primary school teachers in Makeni, northern Sierra Leone. This group of able and dedicated teachers has come to the Kiva partner SMT in Makeni, northern Sierra Leone, to request a loan. Fifty-year old Issa is the featured leader of this group. He was born in Rogbom village and is married to a trader. He has six children, all of whom are attending school. Issa has been a school teacher for 22 years.

Issa's group is requesting a 22,500,000 SLL loan to meet their most immediate and most pressing financial needs. Issa will use his portion of the loan to pay school fees for his children. At the end of each month, group members can easily repay the loan using their monthly salaries. The school bursar will be directly responsible for doing the deductions and making repayments on their behalf.

In this group: Issa, Fuad Umarr, Isatu, Frank Lamin, Fatmata Sylvia, Ballie, Alpha M., John Raka, Joseph M., Umaro M., Mariatu Gibrilla, Alie, Imran, Anita Isatu

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