A loan helped a member to buy tools for agriculture.

Ariziki Group's story

A woman of 45 years of age, Madame Pyalo is a farmer by profession. Her husband is a farmer and she has three children of whom two are enrolled in school. Her activity is located in the central region and that is where she buys her supplies. Aided by three persons, Pyalo is requesting her first loan from WAGES to buy agricultural tools so as to have a good harvest. She is the leader of the group called ARIZIKI, and she and the other members all work in the domain of agriculture, more precisely growing maize. As far as future plans go, they would like to have a good harvest and ensure that their children attend school.

In this group: Pyalo, Koumealo, Matakizi, Clarice, Akoua, Matekou, Kossiwa, Panawe, Mawinesso, Abra, Augustine, Mazahalo, Tchilalo, Akoua, Kouwenawe, Yawa

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Teresa Kramer.

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