A loan helped to construct a biodigester and purchase a solar lamp.

Serah Kainyu's story

Serah lives in Eastern Kenya in a place called Tharaka-Nithi. Her home neighbors Mount Kenya, one of Kenya's main water sources. Like her neighbors, she has been affected by weather changes and a decrease in water supply due to the increasing deforestation around Mount Kenya. Being a farmer this has affected her crop production, which is her main source of income. Sarah uses charcoal and firewood for cooking and kerosene for lighting because there is no electricity connection in her home. Every month she spends approximately $35 without counting the time and energy used to collect firewood. She and her two daughters are also at risk of sexual harassment from forest guards when they go to collect wood.

To save her from all these challenges, the Visionary Empowerment Programme team encouraged her to construct a biodigester, as she has four cows from which she can get fuel for cooking. VEP also sold her a solar package so she can have sufficient light to enable her four children to study in the evening without limitations.

Serah is now an empowered woman and will educate others in her village to embrace green energy as well. With her savings and income from the sale of milk and maize she will comfortably repay the loan.

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