A loan helped to pay the annual rent of his bakery.

Hamid's story

Hamid, age 52, is from Iraq. He is married and has four children. Hamid, along with two of his children, provide the family income together.

Hamid is a baker. Ever since he was a child, Hamid used to work in this field and since then he has gained much experience. In 2008, Hamid established his own business and opened his own bakery in the neighborhood, for there was no bakery in the area. For this reason, Hamid gained an excellent reputation and became well-known in the surroundings and now he has three hired employees.

Hamid is requesting a loan of 2,400 USD. He will use this loan to pay the annual rent of his bakery. Hamid is aiming to grow his business and increase his profits so that he may provide his children with a good future and a promising career.

Loan details

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