A loan helped a member to increase her husband's supply of plastic bottles, so that he can respond quickly to customer needs.

Maqsoodan's Group's story

Maqsoodan is a 49-year-old married woman. She is the mother of five children. She adores her family, and her husband works very hard so that his family can have a good and respectable life. Her husband started his own business, selling plastic bottles, 12 years ago. Maqsoodan, as a member of two-person lending group, has applied for a loan from Kiva's partner BRAC Pakistan for her husband. He will use the loan to increase his supply of plastic bottles, so that he can respond quickly to customer needs. Maqsoodan wants to buy a sewing machine with the profits. She hopes that the loan will be helpful in her husband's business. She is thankful to Kiva and BRAC Pakistan.

In this group: Maqsoodan, Rozi

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