A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer for the maintenance of his coffee.

Campesinos De Tzununá 1 Group's story

Felix is the leader of the "Campesino 1" Group (in the light blue shirt, second from the right in the first row in the photograph). He is a 41-year-old man who has 5 children. They live in the village of Tzununá in the department of Sololá.

He is a coffee farmer. He plants, maintains and produces coffee on his land. He chose this business for its profitability and has been making a living from this work he inherited from his father for the last 20 years. In this way he obtains the greater part of his income for sustaining his family.

He is asking for a loan to buy fertilizer for the maintenance of his coffee. He dreams of giving his family a better quality of life.

In this group: Felix, Juan, Pascual, Andrés, Antonio, Andres, José, Mariano, Juan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Tricia Perry.

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