A loan helped a member to buy canned goods, noodles, sugar, etc.

Machac Qhantati Group's story

The "Machac Qhantati" communal bank is entering its second cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the Copacabana regional hub. This group is made up of ten members and is run by a board of directors, of which Nancy is the president. The members' businesses are varied and include the production and sale of potatoes, the production and sale of vegetables, a neighborhood store, the production of potatoes and potato starch, and the sale of livestock.

This loan will benefit small business owners such as Nancy. She says that she joined Pro Mujer six months ago by the invitation of one of the institution's promoters, who visited her at home. Her business is a neighborhood store. She says that she started this business on her own initiative upon observing the needs of her neighbors.

This loan will allow her to increase her working capital by buying canned goods, noodles, sugar, etc., which she will acquire from markets in the city of El Alto. After making her products, she will sell them in her place of business. This type of work allows her to generate resources to maintain her household as much as possible, since she is married with three children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she says that she likes that they take collections in her town.

In the photo, the group is accompanied by a woman wearing a white hat and purple pants.

In this group: Nancy Virginia, Rogelia, Yobana, Julia Basilia, Matias , Erika Otilia, Luiz Muller, Luis Guillermo, Aida , David

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Amy Volz.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details