A loan helped to buy nets to use for fishing.

Raul's story

Raul is 35 years old and is a fisherman. He lives on an island in lake Titicaca, a tourist center in the department of La Paz where handicrafts made of cattails and wool are offered to the public. The majority of the island's inhabitants are engaged in fishing or tourism. This loan is his first loan cycle with the institution. Raul is going to use the loan to buy nets to use for fishing. His reason for requesting the loan is to increase his catch and increase his working capital. Raul faces challenges in his business like increasing production and is going to use the profits in continuing to improve in his work, since this is his only source of income for supporting his family. Raul is a hard-working person. He feels happy for the opportunities provided him.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jacqueline Demeranville.

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