A loan helped a member to buy various goods (onions, tomatoes, garlic, flour, beans, potatoes etc.).

La Paix Virunga Group's story

Kabuo is the secretary of the group "La Paix Virunga". She is 42 years old and a dynamic entrepreneur. She is also married and the mother of eight children who all attend school.

Kabuo and her husband help each other to run a small retail business. Kabuo sells food products. She started in this business more than 20 years ago, using her own funds.

She will use this new loan to buy various products (onions, tomatoes, garlic, flour, beans, potatoes etc.)

Kabuo wants to see her children go to school. In the end, she thanks Hekima for its financial support.

It should be noted that, in the photo, one of the borrowers is carrying her baby.

In this group: Kahambu, Kambale, Georgette, Kahindo, Kakule, Josephine, Riziki, Kabuo, Bashushano, Faida, Mwadjuma, Justine, M'ndimubanzi, Munyerenkana, Nzigire, Haruna, Ndoole, Mushagalusa, Mangwara, Katungu, Kanyere, Wabiwa, Kabuo, Kambale, Bitondo, Kahambu

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details