A loan helped a member to buy fresh foods such as cabbages, oranges and passion fruit to sell.

Kanyambeho A Twekambe Women Group's story

Mariam is a hardworking woman with six children living in Fort Portal, Uganda. Her main business is selling fresh foods, alongside farming for additional income. Her vision is to educate her children to higher levels of education and to set up sustainable income-generating activities such as rental houses. Her business is affected by customers who delay payments and the high rate of perishability of her goods. Her dream is to buy a refrigerator and diversify her business to include cereals.

Mariam is requesting a loan to buy fresh foods such as cabbages, oranges and passion fruit to sell. She is a member of a group where each one guarantees the others in accessing a loan.

In this group: Susan, William George, Mariam, Assumpta, Zainabu, Diana, Teddy, Margret, Janet, Yohanina, Mary, Margret, Teddy, Theopista, Oliver, Violet, Joseph, James, James, Rehema, Beatrace, Julius, Olive, Margret, Rose, Violet

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