A loan helped to buy a display case, as well as school supplies like notebooks, pencils, erasers, uniforms, etc.

Rosa Ramona's story

Rosa, 57, is a humble woman. Originally from Managua, she is single and is the mother of four grown children, all of whom are independent. She owns a small grocery store. She started out as a street vendor selling second-hand clothing, because she needed a means to survive. Through a lot of effort and hard work, she has started another business, which is the grocery store. She is very proud because she has been able to increase her sales and earn a better income. In the business, she has the support of her granddaughter. She has other incomes, like the remittances that family members in Costa Rica send to her. Her hope is to improve the conditions of her store, to give her business a better appearance.

Rosa needs financing to buy a display case and school supplies like notebooks, pencils, erasers, uniforms, etc, with the goal of offering more products that she doesn't yet have in her store's inventory. This is to meet her customers' needs and to be able to increase her sales to get better earnings. One of her plans for the future is to turn her grocery store into a general store so she can be a successful businesswoman.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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