A loan helped a member to buy a sewing machine for her sewing business.

Chamanpi Sartasiñani Group's story

The CHAMAMPI SARTASINYANI community bank is starting its sixth round of funding with Proj Mujer, as part of the Centro Focal de German Busch. The community bank has eight members and is led by a board headed by Sra. Monica, its president. The members operate a range of businesses that include: merchandise sales, a corner shop, snack sales, furniture sales, a beauty salon, cloth-weaving, computerized embroidering services and food sales.

This loan will benefit the small businesses of Sra. Monica and the community bank's other members. Sra. Monica tells us that this is her second round of funding and that she was invited to join the community bank by a friend who is a member. She operates a clothes-making business. She makes all kinds of clothing and says that she started the business with her husband who also makes clothes.

Sra. Monica will use this loan to buy a new sewing machine. She will buy the machine at a market in El Alto and install it in her workshop. The income that she will make from selling the sweaters will make it possible for her to support her family.

When we asked her what she likes about Pro Mujer, she told us that she likes the health training and loans they provide..

In this group: Monica Beatriz, Marcela Monica , Lucila , Eugenia Clotilde , Nelfy Lourdes, Fabiola , Elsa , Ana Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jere Wiseman.

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