A loan helped to renovate the work space for her home-based sewing and tailoring business and improve her working conditions.

Shler's story

Shler is a 48-year-old Iraqi woman. She is married and the mother of three children. With limited career options due to cultural restrictions and domestic constraints, Shler is one of the many Iraqi woman who is working from home, using her sewing skills to generate some income and to help meet the financial needs of her family.
Shler has two years of experience with her small home-based sewing and tailoring business, creating custom dresses and small household items made of fabric.
In the past, Shler took out a loan from Relief International Microfinance Iraq, which she used to replace the old doors and windows of her house. Having successfully repaid the previous loan, Shler is taking out a new loan in the amount of $3,000, which she would like to use to renovate her work space and improve her working conditions.
Because of the political and social challenges of lending in Iraq, personally identifiable information about this borrower has been altered for her protection. RI-Iraq appreciates the Kiva lenders' consideration of these challenges and encourages the lenders to continue their support for Iraqi borrowers.

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