A loan helped to buy supplies.

Luis Alberto's story

Luis lives with his wife and young son in a rented home. Each month he pays a set rent. He is very responsible with what he does; always thinking about the fact that he is the head of the household and responsible for his family’s daily support. He has been a farmer for the past five years and had worked with his parents, but recently decided to venture out on his own and rents his own parcel so that he can have his own crops. He sells part of them and earns a living in this way. Aside from this, he works as a field hand whenever he doesn’t have enough of a harvest. Luis has decided to approach INTEGRAL for a loan to buy basic supplies, like seeds and fertilizers, and pay for labor so that he can sell his harvest. He hopes for assistance and is very grateful to God because he has never left him alone and has provided a good future for his family.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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