A loan helped a member to buy stockings, bras, T-shirts and pants.

El Rosario Group's story

This is the “El Rosario” group, made up of 9 members who work in various businesses. They are in their 17th loan cycle. Lidia is 42 years old, married, with five children, two of whom are school-aged.

Lidia has worked selling new clothing for two years and has loyal customers. Lidia has applied for the loan to buy stockings, bras, T-shirts, and pants.

One of Lidia's goals is to be able to fix her house so that that her children can have a better quality of life. Lidia is very happy about this loan and is grateful to Kiva.

Lidia appears in the back part of the photo. She is fourth from the left, wearing a purple T-shirt.

In this group: Dora, Celinda, Lidia, Justina, Maribel, Anthony Jhon, Violeta, Adrian, Blanca Nancy

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jeff Goldie.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details