A loan helped to buy more items like sugar, soap, and salt for resale.

Stella's story

Stella, a 32-year-old married woman, has 5 children and operates a small retail shop in one of the busy trading centers on the outskirts of Lyantonde town. She works 7 days a week so that she can maximize profits. Her main challenge is limited capital and competition from the neighboring retail traders. Often, her customers ask her for goods she does not have, apparently because she cannot afford them. With the previous loan, she was able to stock some of them, like cooking utensils and other household items. Her honesty and good customer service have helped her to have an edge over some of her competitors. She is confident that with this loan she will be able to make enough profits, since she will have more items--especially with the festive season at hand. She is sure she will make her repayments well. In the picture is Stella (right) with the Ugafode staff.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details