A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and pesticide.

Sophy's Group's story

24-year-old Sophy resides in a rural village of the Moung Russey district located in the Battambang province of Cambodia. She is married and blessed with one son. To provide a decent life for her family, Sophy has been working tirelessly as a rice farmer on a two-hectare plot of farmland for four years. She earns around 17,000KHR per day and is able to save approximately 12,000KHR after deducting the daily cost of living. This diligent woman has been with VisionFund (Kiva's partner) for one loan cycle already. She has succeeded in making her family's life so much better.

Now she is in need of money to support her rice-growing business. This business provides the main source of income for her family. Sophy is leading a loan group of three female members to take out a loan in the amount of 2,500,000KHR in total. Sophy, the group leader, will utilize some portion of her loan to support her rice field by buying fertilizer and pesticide. The remaining portion of the loan will be spent on buying piglets to raise in hope of earning addiitonal profit for the family in the future. After receiving her loan portion and using it as she has planned, Sophy believes that she can increase her crop yields as well as the family's income. She is also planning to use the anticipated income to send her beloved son to a good school.

In this group: Sophy, Srey Neth, Sim

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