A loan helped a member to buy clothes and grocery items.

Gs Luz Y Amor Group's story

Martha’s a merchant. Her main activity is selling clothes for men and women, comforters, underwear, corn and beans. She has more than five years’ experience managing her business. Martha is a very hardworking woman who has a local clientele and who has gotten ahead thanks to her business. It’s been one of her main sources of income. She’s succeeded in winning over customers thanks to the special service she provides.

Martha will use the loan to buy clothes for men and women, comforters, underwear, corn and beans. This will contribute to having a better business, to cover household expenses and provide better quality of life for her family. Martha dreams with stocking her business and with improving the façade of her house since the area she lives in still lacks many public services.

Gloria has been selling cosmetics, basic grains and soft-drinks in the community she lives in for five years and Dixie has a grocery store located in a stand on the main street where she lives; her business has been in operation for three years and has a regular, local clientele.

Danli, El Paraíso, Honduras - October, 2012

In this group: Martha Yolanda, Gicela Yaneth, Dixie Yessenia

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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