A loan helped a member to buy parts (pistons, discs, air chambers, stuffing, tires, motor oil, etc.).

Ahadi Group's story

Bahati is the oldest member of the Ahadi group. She is an entrepreneur, 58- years old, and a seller of spare parts (motorcycle, bicycle, vehicles, engines) She and her husband help each other. She is mother of five children, all of whom have finished university and already have their own families. This new loan will enable her to pay for spare parts to add to her inventory (pistons, discs, air chambers, stuffing, tires, motor oil, etc.) The borrower is comfortable with Hekima's program. It is worth noting that the borrower came with her son.

In this group: Omoyi, Bahati, Kavira, Baguruma, Bahati, Kahindo, Paluku, Kabuo, Masika, Bembeleza, Mwavita, Bahati

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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