A loan helped to buy personal use products to fill pending customer orders.

Maria Eugenia's story

María Eugenia is a single mother, head of household. She has a six-year-old son. Her son’s father abandoned them some time ago leaving all the home’s responsibilities in her hands.

Because finding employment was very difficult and besides she had to care for her son because there’s no one else to do so, María Eugenia found a way to generate her own income by selling personal use products via catalogue. Her main customers are family members, neighbors and friends in the area.

The great difficulty that’s kept her from growing in her business is the lack of capital sufficient to fill all the large customer orders she has pending and it’s in order to overcome this that María Eugenia is looking for a loan that will make it possible for her to buy personal use products and be able to fill pending customer orders.

Her dream is to have a commercial locale someday so she can improve her income and also provide employment for people most in needs.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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